Sonntag, 3. Juni 2007
Are you a real backpacker?
Nur mal am Rande: nachdem ich jetzt mehrfach im Regen per Pick-up gereist bin, hielt ich mich schon fuer wirklich hart...

Dass es noch haerter geht, hat mir ein "Are-you-a-real-backpacker"-Quiz in einem Partymagazin klargemacht. Meine favourites:

How do you get around?
a) Preferably by a private tour, but I will stop to a shuttle bus in emergencies.
b) Pullman, chicken bus, pick up, tuk tuk - whatever`s going where I am.
c) Walking, But if it`s further than 20 miles, I may buy a mule.

How`s your Spanish?
a) Terrible. Lucky I brought my electronic translator.
b) I`ve been to a few classes - I get by.
c) Spanish? That`s the language of the oppressors! I am, however, fluent in Mam, K`iche and Tz`utujil.

The best pair of shoes for traveling is...
a) my $300 hiking boots.
b) the same ones I wear on the street at home.
c) The flip flops I found in the shower this morning.

How long are you in Guatemala for?
a) A week. We`re going to the lake, Tikal, Antigua, Livingston, Monterrico and if we have enough time, Copan.
b) A month. I couldn`t get more time off work/ school.
c) Until I get deported/ my folks stop sending me cash.

Aber hab ja noch paar Tage...;)

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